
Cyber Protection

Any business that has a digital presence or keeps electronic data records is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Such risks pose even more of a threat to businesses in the IT and tech space. With Cyber Protection Insurance, you can reduce the risk of cyber criminals from targeting your business and assets.

Every business is different, and so are its specific risks and insurance needs. At BMS, our team of cybercrime insurance specialists works closely with you, helping you identify emerging risks facing your business and to ensure you have adequate cover in place.

Our extensive experience in Cyber Protection Insurance in Australia is supported by our global business network, which assists our team with rapid feedback on emerging international risks and trends.

We have a range of Cyber Protection Insurance policies available, and take the time to understand your circumstances before advising on the type of cover that will best suit your business.

Critical areas we can help you avoid include:

  • ​Premium leakage, where excessive premiums are paid due to misinformation about the business
  • Lack of market research, meaning suitable insurers have not previously quoted on the business
  • Poorly managed claims by your existing insurer, causing unnecessary confusion and frustration, and placing further upward pressure on premiums
  • Lack of buying power by your existing insurer, translating into lost savings
Belinda Nesbitt 1200x1200

Belinda Nisbet

Client Director

T: +61 (4) 5766 5595
Email Me

Callum Mc Millan 1200x1200

Callum McMillan

Divisional Lead, Financial Lines

M: +61 (4) 1811 8187
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