
Workers Compensation

We’re committed to helping you look after your most valuable assets – your people. Whether you’re employing a handful of staff or thousands, we put you in control of your workers compensation insurance.

Workers compensation insurance ensures that there is adequate support and compensation for employees when something goes wrong in the workplace. All employers in Australia are required to have a current workers compensation policy.

Our team of specialists are experts in their field with experience in every workers compensation jurisdiction in the country. We have worked with businesses of all sizes for decades to help them look after their employees and have a wealth of knowledge of the nuances of various market segments and their related risks.

We are well-positioned to assess your unique needs and work with you to deliver best practice injury and claims management helping to protect your business, your employees and their livelihoods.

Our core services include:

  • ​Outsourced injury management and return to work.
  • Workers compensation claims consulting.
  • Injury management training.
  • Creation of injury management policies and procedures, and suitable duties registers.
  • Ergonomic assessments

“Poor work health and safety costs $5,000 per worker each year and equates to 4.1 per cent of Australia’s gross domestic product. This doesn’t even touch on the immeasurable cost of grief and trauma to workers and their families.”

Diane Smith-Gander Chair - Safe Work Australia

Brett Waterman 1200x1200

Brett Waterman

Managing Director

T: +61 418 823 870
Email Me

Paul Laver 1200x1200

Paul Laver

Injury Management & Workers Compensation Manager

M: +61 (4) 9993 8801
Email Me